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Powell Corderoy Primary School

Powell Corderoy Primary School


A warm welcome awaits you at Powell Corderoy...

There's no better way to find out what makes Powell Corderoy so special than to come and see it yourself!

We'd be delighted to show you around, to give you a flavour of everyday life in school, introduce you to our wonderful staff and pupils, and answer any questions you might have. 

Richard Darke - Headteacher


We believe that an excellent education is about more than academic achievement.

It’s about being happy while you learn, and developing the confidence and life skills you need to fulfil your potential. School should be a place of wonder, enjoyment, opportunity and inspiration. A place where children learn to navigate the complexities of growing up and making friends, as well as wider issues like climate change and social media.

Equally importantly, we aim to give our children a strong sense of their place in, and responsibility for, the wider community. We want them to have pride in themselves, in their school, and in everything they can achieve – for themselves and for others. 

How do we achieve this? 

We actively seek opportunities to give children ownership of their learning, for example by voting on the next core text their class will study in English, or by taking leadership roles in group projects. By having choice about what and how they learn, children are more engaged. 

Variety is key - it's important to us that children are resilient and flexible thinkers, able to apply their learning to new challenges and in new situations.  We mix independent work with opportunities for collaboration; self-directed study with mastery workshops from visiting experts; field trips for research with sleepovers in school for full immersion. A wide range of additional opportunities which complement our core curriculum all add up to the Powell Corderoy Experience!